Adrian Bourne P.O. Box 17202 Seattle, WA 98107 (206) 443-8863 (home) (206) 443-1209 (fax) Adrian Bourne was raised in the technologically charged atmosphere of Silicon Valley, California. As a youth, he had a strong interest in fantasy and science fiction (which is reflected in the doodles and sketchbooks he created from grade school through high school). Since then, his professional and freelance work has appeared in newspapers, magazines, on-line services, advertisements, game manuals and computer games, as well as on letterheads, vans, coffee mugs, caps, and T-shirts. He is an accomplished animator, cartoonist, designer, editorial artist, and commercial illustrator. His hobbies include art, bicycling, art, attending indie films, and art. He currently resides in Seattle, animates for a local computer game company, and does freelance illustration in the evenings and on weekends. When he has a few free moments, Adrian does personal work for exhibit and sale at various science fiction conventions around the country, for which he has won a half-dozen awards in the past few years.